Testing Tibero Database on your own

For the ones that does not know about Tibero or TmaxSoft, here the main websites to  know and information: Official Website: https://www.tmaxsoft.com/products/tibero/ Support Website: https://support.tmaxsoft.com/ Software Download6-Months demo...

Accessing your Trial Tibero SQLaaS Service

tbAdmin (Official IDE/GUI for Tibero) Download official GUI here for Windows or Linux. (64 bit). For 32-bit version refer to the official website. Execute the program and enter your user/password followed by the IP, Port and DB Name specified in the e-mail.  ...

Tibero Database vs Oracle Database Performance

Some people state that Oracle Database is the world fastest and the only to run heavy production workloads… Some potential customers in North Europe requested us to make a serious TPC (the most reknown authority for database performance). Results for commodity...

Use Cases

Technology Use Cases   With Dimensigon, you can validate a Use Case on a mouse-click. For your own purposes or a PoC, we make the installation for you and you can continue with your Use Case Ready-to-Go.   Examples   To be added: LeanXcale ingesting...