How to Access your Environment
On this page you can get the guidelines about accessing your schema as Developer or accessing your deployed architecture.
As well, if your deployed architecture includes a monitoring system, you should have received an email indicating specific information that you should keep private.
Accessing your SQLaaS (Developer Free Tier)
(Official IDE/GUI for Tibero)
- Download official GUI here for Windows or Linux. (64 bit). For 32-bit version refer to the official website.
- Execute the program and enter your user/password followed by the IP, Port and DB Name specified in the e-mail.
Basic functionality only
JDBC Driver - Direct download here.
- Download here.
- Once installed and started, click on:
Database > Driver Manager. - Click on New.
- Specify the Driver Name as you wish.
e. g. Tibero. - Click on Add file and search for the local folder of your JDBC Tibero driver.
- Click on Find Class. This should auto-fill the Class Name.
- Copy the URL Template.
jdbc:tibero:thin:@{host}:{port}:{database} - Default Port field: 8629
- Save with OK button.
Full instructions found in official wiki.
Basic functionality only
JDBC Driver - Direct download here.
a) Adding the Driver
- Download here.
- Once installed and started, click on:
Tools > Driver Manager. - Click on the "plus" icon to Add a new Driver.
- Specify the Driver Name as you wish.
e. g. Tibero. - Url Format:
jdbc:tibero:thin:@{host}:{port}:{database} - Click on the folder icon on the right side and select the JAR file.
- Click on the menu Driver > Close Window.
b) Creating a Database Connection
- Database > Create Database Connection
- Specify an alias for your connection name.
- Select Database Driver (Tibero type)
- Default URL: use your own data to fill the template:
jdbc:tibero:thin:@{host}:{port}:{database} - Follow the process to the end.
Full instructions found in official wiki.
(JetBrains) Basic functionality only
JDBC Driver - Direct download here.
a) Adding the Driver
- Download here.
- Once installed and started, click on:
File > Data Sources. - Click on the "plus" icon to Add a new Driver. (at the end of the list)
- Specify the Driver Name as you wish.
e. g. Tibero. - In Driver Files, select the JAR File
(Custom JAR). - Open the Class and you will see the Class from Tibero.
- No need to specify Url Template
- Apply or OK to close the window.
b) Creating a Data Source (DB Connection)
- Database Tab > + > Create Data Source > Select Database Driver (Tibero type)
- Specify an alias for your connection name.
- URL: use your own data to fill the template:
jdbc:tibero:thin:@{host}:{port}:{database} - Test Connection button.
- Apply or OK to close the window.
Full instructions found in official wiki.